Newsletters and Updates
A medida que continuamos experimentando condiciones climaticas sin precedentes en la Costa Central, es importante que usted y su familia estén preparados para incendios forestales y otros desastres naturales. Por favor, revise los recursos y guías a continuación.
Another great year serving the Central Coast is coming to a close and I want to take a moment to thank you for your continued support.
Otro gran año de servicio en la Costa Central está llegando a su fin y quiero tomarme un momento para agradecerle por su continuo apoyo.
As we come together this holiday season I want to thank each of you who has taken the time to connect with my office over the last year.
As we witness the devastating emergencies across our country, it is critical to prepare for when disaster strikes.
My legislation to ensure medical debt does not hurt your credit score has made it to the Governor’s Desk. The bill is sponsored by a large coalition including Attorney General Rob Bonta, California Nurses Association, Health Access California, Consumer Federation of America, California Public Interest Research Group (CALPIRG), the National Consumer Law Center, and the California Low-Income Consumer Coalition has received broad support.